Latest Episodes
Lesson 1 -A Study of Prayer
This is a Wednesday Night Study Series "A Study of Prayer". Lesson #1 "How to Develope an Intimate Relationship with God"
John 7:32-44 "The Failure of Part-Time Faith"
As the cross looms closer in Jesus' future, His voice and His messae get more intense. In this passage, His call for a decision...
John 7:14-31 "The Reality of Knowing Jesus"
Under the pressure of the future cross, Jesus is passionate to make Himself known as the Savior. We learn in these verses that He...
John 7:1-13 "Divine Timing"
As John 7 opens, we see Jesus facing increasing oppression against His life and ministry. He acknowledges that the world hates Him because He...
Matthew 2:1-6 "The Passion of Wise Men"
Some people see the account of the Wise Men in scripture as a cute story of Kings who brought gifts to Jesus. But we...
Luke 2:40 Jesus: From Baby to Boy"
One verse of scripture gives us the "bridge" between the childhood and growth of Jesus. This verse gives us great guidance about raising our...